International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame
European Chapter (HOFE)

Induction Ceremony Budapest Dec. 4, 2008

from left to right: John Jacques William Aitchison, Professor School of Adult and Higher Education (South-Afrika), Laurentiu Soitu, Professor, Iasi (Rumania), Adama Ouane, Direktor UNESCO Institut for Livelong Learning, Hamburg (Mali), N. Francis Kelly, Director Navy Education Plans and Policy (USA), Kim Shinil, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Seoul (Korea), Gretchen Bersch, Professor Emerita, University of Alaska (USA), Otto Peters, Founding Rector Distanceuniversity Hagen (Germany), Maria Lourdes Almazan Khan, Secretary General, Asian South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education (India), Denes Koltai, Professor, University of Pecs (Hungary), Markku Markkula, Director, Helsinki University of Technology TKK (Finnland). Julius Nyerere (posthumous), former President Republic Tanzania.



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