International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame
European Chapter (HOFE)


The International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame honors outstanding leaders in the fields of adult learning and continuing education who are distinguished as a scholar, practitioner, or policy-maker.

The Hall serves as a record of inspiration for the next generation of adult and continuing education leaders.

To be eligible for induction into the Hall of Fame, a person must be eminently distinguished in the profession, shall have brought honor or distinction, and shall have contributed to the heritage of adult and continuing education.

Annually, around ten adult and continuing education leaders from around the world are selected for induction into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. These individuals reflect the great diversity of adult and continuing education practice and scholarship and the increasingly global leadership community that constitutes the IACE Hall of Fame.

On this page we supply additional information about and for members of the Hall of Fame specificly in the European region.

The 2024 International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
took place in Florence, Italy.

Photo Florenz

The new iductees

European inductees Class 2024: Don Luigi Ciotti Italy, Karen Evans UK, Francesc Pedró Garcia Spain, Timothy Denis Ireland UK, Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik Slovenia, Morten Flate Paulsen Norway. Andreas Schleicher Germany, Magdalini (Magda) Trantallidi Greece. Albert Tuijnman Netherlands+

The 2024 European Inductees:

Albert Tuijnman+, Netherlands Andreas Schleicher, Germany Don Luigi Ciotti, Italy
Francesc Pedró Garcia, Spain Karen Evans, UK Magda Trantallidi, Greece
Morten Flate Paulsen, Norway Timothy Denis Ireland, UK Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenia    
Organisational Award: EAEA

Sad news: Our member Albert Tuijnman, HOF Class 2024, has passed away. Obituary

HoFE-members active at the Dénes Koltai Memorial Conference on Adult Learning and Education

(ltr:) Arne Carlsen, Heribert Hinzen, Éva Farkas, András Benedek, Balázs Németh

Members of the European Branch of the Internationational Hall of Fame of Adult and Continuing Education participated in the Dénes Koltai Memorial Conference on Adult Learning and Education on Friday, 11 October 2024 in Pécs, Hungary.
In their plenary speeches Éva Farkas focused on matters of how to improve ALE with specific tools, Heribert Hinzen was signalling the roles of professionalisation and institutionalisation on ALE, András Benedek provided a retrospective focus on the legacy of Dénes Koltai in promoting and developing ALE with academic focuses. András also recalled CONFINTEA V and VI how they influence some Hungarians having been involved in quality development and partnerships with bodies as EAEA, eucen and PASCAL Int. Observatory. Arne Carlsen made a reflective workshop presentation on 'From the right to education, to the right to lifelong learning', Balázs Németh was pointing out the 'Trends of Policy Research in ALE two Years after CONFINTEA VII'.
The five representatives of HOF Europe were strongly concerned of the importance of preparing for the UniFirenze Conference of International Adult and Continuing Education HOF.

New publication by HoFE-members:
Nuissl, E., Sava, S., & Farkas, É. (2024). Adult education in the European Union since 1993. European Journal of Education, 00, e12719.

Maria Slowey and Richard Taylor (ed) (2024). Academic Freedom in Higher Education: Core Value or Elite Privilege? For more information visit

HOFE meeting: Sept 17, 2024: Preparing our Florence-conference!

New book1:

Jost Reischmann (HoF 1999) published a new book "Andragogy: Contribution to an Emerging Discipline".
Chapters: Andragogy and Andragogues, Andragogical Concepts, Projects and Examples, International Comparative Adult Education.
Student-friendly price 12 Euro. More information (use a different browser than Firefox)

New book2:

Let me share with all in HOFE a new book on Lalage Bown (inducted in 2009 into the Hall of Fame) that was just published by Florence University Press: "Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives". Edited by Maria Slowey, Heribert Hinzen, Michael Omolewa, Michael Osborne (all members of the Hall of Fame!) Download of the book Interesting and rarely: Focus on Africa!


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