International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame
European Chapter (HOFE)


What is the ThinkTank for Adult Learning and Education?

The ThinkTank for Adult Learning and Education consists of International independent experts from Europe, representing about added 400 years of extensive knowledge and experience in adult learning and education in their own and other countries. Each of these experts has had the honour of being inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame (
A list of our distinguished members in Europe includes:
  • Sturla Bjerkaker, former treasurer of International Council of Adult Education (ICAE), former director of the Norwegian Association for Adult Learning and Principal of the Nordic Folk Academy. Oslo, Norway.
  • Prof. (DAAD) Dr. h.c. mult. Arne Carlsen, former Director of Nordic Folk Academy, of ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning, and of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Dr. Dieter Dohmen, Founder and Director of Institute for Education and Socio-Economic Research and Consulting (FIBS), Berlin, Germany.
  • Prof. Dr. Romita Iucu, Vice-Rector of University of Bucharest, Romania.
  • Prof. Dr. Balazs Nemeth, a founding member of the Hungarian Universities Lifelong Learning Network (MELLearN), represents the University of Pécs in the European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) and in the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). Pecs, Hungary.
  • Prof. Dr. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein, former director of the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) Bonn and Prof. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and honorary fellow of UNESCO's Institute of Lifelong Learning
  • Prof. Dr. Katarina Popovic, Secretary General of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), Belgrade, Montevideo.
  • Prof. (em) Dr. Jost Reischmann, founding president of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education, Bamberg/Tübingen, Germany.
  • Prof. Dr. habil Simona Sava, Founding Director of Romanian Institute for Adult Education, Timisoara, and head of the Department of Educational Sciences, West University of Timisoara, Romania.
  • Dr. Andre Schlaefli, Past President of International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, former Director of Schweizer Verband für Erwachsenenbildung (SVEB).
  • Prof. Maria Slowey, Director Higher Education Research Centre (HERC) recently Vice President, Dublin City University, Ireland.
  • Professor Sir Alan Tuckett is Professor of Education at the University of Wolverhampton, and honorary fellow of UNESCO’s Institute of Lifelong Learning and firmer CEO of NIACE.
  • Susan Waddington, Former President of European Association of the Education of Adults (EAEA), member of the European Parliament.
The ThinkTank for Adult Learning and Education offers a 'bird-eye-view' on contemporary and future developments and issues of adult learning and education, based on the years of joint and unique knowledge and experience of its members.
Twice a year, the ThinkTank presents short statements to the adult and continuing education field, and to decission makers in the relevant policy and strategic arenas. These statements provide a summary of current trends and recommendations and foster the general understanding of the value and challenges of adult learning and education.
The combined experteese of this group is also available to institutions and organizations for consultations about questions and problems of adult education and learning .

Meetings (Bonn 2013, Zurich 2016, Bucharest 2017, Oslo 2017, Berlin 2018, Budapest 2018, Zürich 2019, Belgrade 2019):

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