International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame
European Chapter (HOFE)




We plan to remember here our deceased European Hall of Fame Members. Please send us the name and link to obituary.
Albert Tuijnman, -2024 (obituary by Arne Carlsen)
John Field , 1950-2024 Homepage (obituary by Alan Tuckett)
Joachim Knoll, 1932-2024. Wikipedia DVV International commemorates Prof. Joachim H. Knoll.
Chris Duke, -2023: Special issue of PIMA honoring Chris Duke
Dusan Savicevic, 1926-2015: John Henschke: DUSAN M. SAVICEVIC– WORLD’s BEST ANDRAGOGY RESEARCHER
Lalage Bown, 1927-2021: University of Glasgow, The Guardian newspaper
Günther Dohmen, 1926-2022: Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbidung, Schwäbisches Tagblatt


The Conference in Chisinau at the Moldova State University on 9-11 November 2023

The IACE Hall of Fame was a co-organiser of the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education held November 9-11, 2023 at Moldova State University. The topic of the conference was "Education for Peace and Sustainable Development". 240 researchers participated in person, of which nine HOF-Europe members, who also gave keynote presentations at the conference (András, Ekkehard, Simona, Heribert, Paolo, Vladimir Gutu, Lauren?iu Soitu, Romita Iucu). The International Conference in Adult Education has been running for 25 years, and out of 6 editions, every 4 years, 5 were organised in Iasi, and the last one in Chisinau, this year. 3 of the 6 editions were organised with the HOF partnership. The conference meant altogether more than 600 debates and lectures, 6 indexed volumes, about 1500 participants, and hundreds of published articles.

New publication, including many HOFE-members:

Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning
This handbook discusses the challenges associated with Climate Change, Rise of Populism, Precarious Work, Learning Cities and Rural Development

Karen Evans is main editor, will be inducted in HOF Firenze 2024. Wing On Lee, HOF 2022, is also one of the editors.

Chapter authors:
Maria Slowey, HOF 2015, Anke Grotlüschen, HOF 2023, Mike Osborne, HOF 2022,
Raul Valdes Cotera, HOF 2022, Séamus O´Tuama, HOF 2022.



At the induction ceremony in Lexington, Kentucky (Program) on October 3, 2023 two Europeans were inducted into the
International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame:

Uwe Gartenschläger and Prof. Dr. Anke Grotlüschen
laudator (to the left): Prof. Séamus Ó Tuama, Ireland    laudator (to the right): Prof. Amy Rose, USA    
Welcome to the Hall of Fame!

Eucen 2023 Policy Talks

The European University Continuing Education Network Eucen is the largest European association of university lifelong learning. Its mission is advocacy and influencing policy-making, thought leadership and sharing of best practises, and innovation in scholarship and practice.
It holds annual Policy Talks with other international governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Arne Carlsen (HoF 2017) participated in the eucen 2023 Policy Talks on 20 September in the European Parliament, and made a presentation of the IACE HoF and the HoFE as an award-giving body to strengthen the adult education profession. He asked eucen and the participating organisations to help identify possible inductees into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame for 2024.
Other HoFE participants were Balazs Németh (HoF 2017) and Gina Ebner (HoF 2019).

Sabine Schmidt-Lauf has an interesting new publication from her and colleagues as results of the Adult Education Academy in Würzburg 2022 discussing relevant issues of our field from a comparative perspective. - click there "E-book in Open Access".

Members of the Hall-of-Fame at the
tenth anniversary of Adult Education Academy in Würzburg (Germany)

"This is a model of success" the president of Würzburg University (Germany) praised the "Adult Education Academy" at the celebration of the ten years of this program (Feb. 14, 2023 program-information). It was founded and is directed by HOF-member Regina Egetenmeyer (HOF 2019) for international master and doctoral students and practitioners with partner universities in Hungary, Italy, India, Nigeria, Portugal, Serbia, and Slovenia. More than 700 doctoral and master students and practitioners, coming from 49 different countries, participated in the ten years.
Hall-of-Fame-member Prof. Rita Süssmuth (HOF 2006), former President of the German Parliament, delivered the keynote. Several HOF-members have been teaching in the AEA like Arne Carlsen (HOF 2017), Gina Ebner(HOF 2019), Regina Egetenmeyer (HOF 2019), Heribert Hinzen (HOF 2006), Licínio Lima (HOF 2022), Balázs Németh (HOF 2018), Mike Osborne (HOF 2022), Séamus O´Tuama (HOF 2022), Katarina Popovic (HOF 2011), Jost Reischmann (HOF 1999), Sabine Schmidt-Lauff (HOF 2022), Maria Slowey (HOF 2015), Alan Tuckett (HOF 2006), or Raul Valdes-Cotera (HOF 2022).

HOF-members at the anniversary in Würzburg left to right: Heribert Hinzen, Sabine Schmidt-Lauff,
Rita Süssmuth, Regina Egetenmeyer-Neher, Jost Reischmann, Séamus O'Tuama. Not in the photo: Balázs Németh


November 2022: Survey and contributions of HOFE-Members:

Year of induction, work status, organisational background, involvement in the international umbrella organisation, involvement of HOFE members in the work of IACE Hall of Fame, contributing to the HOFE Network, specific areas of expertise,comments and suggestion for the HOFE. For the .pdf

Another Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in Europe (after Bamberg 2006, Budapest 2008, Iasi 2014, and Belgrade 2019) took place September 28, 2022 in Cork, Ireland!

The new inductees: Names from left to right:
Front row: Mejai Avoseh (USA) - Larissa Jogi (Estonia) - Laura Bierema (USA) - Michael Osborne (UK) - Nancy Taber (Canada) - Wing On Lee (Singapore) - Linda Morris (USA) - Raul Valdes Cotera (Mexico)
Back row: Niamh O'Reilly (Ireland)- representative of AONTAS - Sabine Schmidt-Lauff (Germany) - Licinio Lima (Portugal) - Andras Benedek (Hungary) - Rolf Arnold (Germany) - Darlene Clover (Canada) - Daphne Ntiri (USA) - Robert Mizzi (Canada) - Seamus O'Tuama (Ireland) - Per Paludan Hansen (Denmark)
More information abut the event   and the program

HOF-members at Singapores Global Lifelong Learning Summit

Singapore hosted its first Global Lifelong Learning Summit on 1-2 November 2022. Organised by the Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences and SkillsFuture Singapore, and in partnership with the ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, the ILO and the OECD, the Summit attracted around 700 participants. The topic centered on lifelong learnin (HOF 2015)g as a key enabler to impact lives and maintain employability. Lifelong learning requires an eco-system of learners, institutions, enterprises and Government to work in concert. What collaborative models across these stakeholders are most effective? What needs to change to ensure that the socio-economic impact of lifelong learning is maximized?
The first session on Global Experiences in Lifelong Learning Policy Development and Implementation was moderated by Raul Valdes Cotera (HOF 2022), and session four on the ASEM Lifelong Hub – Enabling Capital for Lifelong Learners, was moderated by Séamus O'Tuama (HOF 2022). Further two HOF members participated, Wing On Lee (HOF 2022), and Arne Carlsen (HOF 2017). Three ministers delivered keynotes, and important messages on impact were formulated by the partner organisations. A ministerial panel discussion on A Future-Ready Lifelong Learning Ecosystem concluded the Summit. Singapore plans to hold such Global Lifelong Learning Summits every two years.

from left to right: Prof. Wing On Lee, (Singapore, HOF 2022), Executive Director of the Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences; Dir Séamus O'Tuama (Ireland, HOF 2022), Chair of the ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub, Prof.(H) Arne Carlsen (Denmark, HOF 2017), Chair of the Expert Review Panel, Workforce Development Applied Research Fund, SkillsFuture Singapore; Teamleader Raul Valdes Cotera (Mexico, HOF 2022), coordinator of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities.

From André Schläfli and Sturla Bjerkaker to Eva Farkas and Arne Carlsen:
Hall of Fame Europe has new chairs!


In the business meeting in Cork (Sept. 27, 2022) new chairs were elected. Thank you to André and Sturla for their engaged work! Congratulations and good luck to Eva and Arne as our new leaders! Thank you to Simona Sava for the photos!


Hall of Fame Europe (HOFE) create Think Thank

At a conference in Zürich 7 – 8 September 2016 a group of European inductees in the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame met to discuss further cooperation about the future of adult education in Europe and the role of HOFE. More:


Most Hall of Fame Europeans still active in Adult Education

During Autumn 2015, Sturla Bjerkaker presented a Survey for the European inductees of the International Adult Continuing Education Hall of Fame. For the full report of the Survey .

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